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Scripts repository


Transfer group ownership from target user to their manager

For all the groups owned (Managed By property) by the target user, the script changes the owner to the manager of the user.
May 04, 2023 Views: 300

Transfer subordinates from manager to assistant

These 2 PowerShell scripts can be used to transfer a user's direct reports to the user's assistant on a temporary basis.
February 18, 2021 Views: 2096

Update allowed values property pattern based on group members

The script updates the list of values allowed for a DN syntax property by a property pattern with members of groups.
September 04, 2023 Views: 1174

Update attributes based on value of another attribute

The script updates attributes based on the value of another attribute.
September 17, 2019 Views: 2813

Update boolean attribute with password self-service enrollment status

The script updates the specified boolean attribute with password self-service enrollment status for all users.
February 22, 2023 Views: 307

Update country code and country name

This script automatically updates the Country Name and Country Code attributes based on a 2-letter country code specified for Country.
February 18, 2021 Views: 7548

Update custom command parameter values based on unique property values

Update custom command parameter values based on unique property values
September 05, 2023 Views: 2282

Update group membership based on combination of two property values

The script updates group membership of a user based on a combination of two property values.
May 05, 2021 Views: 1863

Update group membership based on property value

The script adds/removes user from groups based on a property value of the users.
February 25, 2021 Views: 1121

Update group membership with business unit members

The script updates group membership with members of a business unit.
August 14, 2023 Views: 1149

Update linked mailbox properties with values of the master account

The script updates properties of a linked mailbox with the corresponding property values of the master account.
September 05, 2023 Views: 1507

Update mailbox time zone

The script updates the time zone of a mailbox in on-premise Exchange.
September 18, 2019 Views: 842

Update Microsoft 365 services enabled for user to match tenant configuration

The script updates Microsoft 365 services enabled for user to match tenant configuration.
February 18, 2021 Views: 2381

Update Microsoft 365 tenant data

The script updates the data of a Microsoft 365 tenant registered in Adaxes.
December 07, 2021 Views: 524

Update property pattern item with names of groups located in a container

Te script updates values allowed for a property by a property pattern with the names of groups located in a container.
August 14, 2023 Views: 1276

Update property values in property pattern with all existing values

The script replaces allowed property values in a Property Pattern with all values of a property specified for existing user accounts.
September 04, 2023 Views: 1307

Update report drop-down parameter with Microsoft 365 licenses

The script updates the specified drop-down list parameter with display names and SKU Part Numbers of Microsoft 365 licenses in all the registered tenants.
June 28, 2023 Views: 1066

Update script credentials in custom commands

The script updates the credentials used to run scripts in the specified custom commands with the given ones.
October 25, 2021 Views: 745

Update suffix of the primary SMTP address

The script forms a new primary SMTP address based on the prefix of the current primary address and the domain part specified in a parameter.
March 25, 2021 Views: 1222

Update target object the approval request is meant for

The script updates the object for operation over which the approval request was submitted.
May 18, 2021 Views: 625

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