This script creates a folder in a SharePoint document library for a user. To use it in Adaxes, you can add the script to a business rule, custom command or scheduled task using the Run a program or PowerShell script action.
- $sharePointServer - Specifies the NetBIOS name of the computer where the SharePoint Sever is homed.
- $webApplicationURL - Specifies the URL of the SharePoint web application.
- $libraryName - Specifies the name of the SharePoint library where the folder will be created.
- $userFolderName - Specifies the name that will be assigned to the user's folder.
Note: You can use value references (e.g. %username%) to insert properties of the user account in the folder name.
- $filesToCopy - Specifies paths to files hosted on the SharePoint server that will be copied to the user's folder.
- $stopInheritablePermissions - Specifies whether to stop inheriting permissions from the parent and use custom security settings.
- $customSecurityItems - Specifies security settings for objects other than the target user. Specify $NULL if you want to use default permissions.
You can specify custom security settings for users, Active Directory groups or SharePoint groups. Format:
Default role types: Administrator, Contributor, Reader, WebDesigner.
$sharePointServer = "SharePointServer" # TODO: modify me
$webApplicationURL = "http://$sharePointServer/sites/MySite" # TODO: modify me
$libraryName = "MyLibrary" # TODO: modify me
$userFolderName = "%username%" # TODO: modify me
$filesToCopy = @("Shared Documents/Sales/Prices.xls", "Shared Documents/Sales/Managers.xls") # TODO: modify me. Specify files to be copied to the library
$stopInheritablePermissions = $True # TODO: modify me. Specify $False to inherits permissions from the parent or $True to stop inheritance
$customSecurityItems = @{"EXAMPLE\Administrator"="Administrator";"SharePointDesigners"="WebDesigner"} # TODO: modify me. Specify security settings for objects other than the target user
$domainName = $Context.GetObjectDomain("%distinguishedName%")
$flatDomainName = $domainName.SubString(0,$domainName.IndexOf("."))
$targetUserName = "$flatDomainName\%sAMAccountName%"
$session = New-PSSession $sharePointServer -Authentication Kerberos
$result = Invoke-Command -Session $session -ArgumentList $webApplicationURL, $libraryName, $userFolderName, $filesToCopy, $stopInheritablePermissions, $customSecurityItems, $targetUserName -ScriptBlock {
param($webApplicationURL, $libraryName, $userFolderName, $filesToCopy, $stopInheritablePermissions, $customSecurityItems, $targetUserName)
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.SharePoint") | Out-Null
$site = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite("$webApplicationURL")
$web = $site.OpenWeb();
$docLibrary = ($web.GetListsOfType("DocumentLibrary"))[$libraryName]
$docLibraryFolders = $docLibrary.Folders
$userFolder = $NULL
foreach($folder in $docLibraryFolders)
If($folder.Name -eq $userFolderName)
$userFolder = $folder
if($userFolder -eq $NULL)
$userFolder = $docLibraryFolders.Add($docLibrary.RootFolder.ServerRelativeUrl, 1, $userFolderName)
$userFolderRoleAssignments = $userFolder.RoleAssignments
if ($stopInheritablePermissions)
$userFolderRoleAssignmentsCount = $userFolderRoleAssignments.Count
for ($i = $userFolderRoleAssignmentsCount-1; $i -ge 0; $i--)
# Set permissions for the target user
$ownerRoleAssignment = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPRoleAssignment("$targetUserName",$null,$null,$null)
$errorInfo = $NULL
# Set custom permissions for other users
if ($customSecurityItems -ne $NULL)
foreach($objectName in $customSecurityItems.Keys)
$roleTypeName = $customSecurityItems[$objectName]
$roleDefinition = $web.RoleDefinitions.GetByType($roleTypeName)
$errorInfo += $objectName + "; "
if($web.SiteGroups[$objectName] -ne $NULL)
$customRoleAssignment = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPRoleAssignment($web.SiteGroups[$objectName])
$customRoleAssignment = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPRoleAssignment($objectName,$null,$null,$null)
# Copy files
if($filesToCopy -ne $NULL)
foreach($fileToCopy in $filesToCopy)
$fileToCopy = $web.GetFile($web.Url + "/" + $fileToCopy)
$fileName = $fileToCopy.Name
$fileToCopy.CopyTo($userFolder.URL + "/" + $fileName.SubString(0,$fileName.IndexOf(".")) + " %initials%" + $fileName.SubString($fileName.IndexOf(".")))
return $errorInfo
Remove-PSSession -Session $session
if($result -ne $NULL)
$Context.LogMessage("Permissions for the folder were not set for " + $result + " as the specified SharePoint Role Type was not found on the server.", "Warning")