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I wonder if it is possible to hide the domain objects when the user has no rights on it.
attached my configuration and places in the web interface or domain objects appear.


by (360 points)

1 Answer

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by (18.0k points)


Tomorrow we are releasing Adaxes 2011.3 that will hide AD domains from a user if this user doesn't have the rights to view it.


thank you for your quick response



We've officially released a new version of Adaxes - Adaxes 2011.3. This version doesn't display AD domains in the Browse dialog if a user doesn't have the rights to view them.


in the tab "HOME", domain objects are well hidden but in the tab SEARCH are always visible.



We have to display all managed domains in the Search In fields, because a user may have the rights to view objects located in a domain without having the rights to view the domain object.
In the nearest release we will implement the ability to configure the Search In section.

If this feature is critical for you, we can create a custom build for you where it will be possible to disable displaying not visible domains in the Search In section.


We just had a discussion about the issue, and decided to always hide the domains that are not visible for a user. We'll implement it in the nearest minor release.
And again, if it is critical for you, we can create a custom build for you.


Hi is this feature implemented yet?
I like to hide all my managed domains in my hosted environment.




Yes, that feature is implemented. To hide domains, see http://www.adaxes.com/tutorials_Delegat ... mUsers.htm.


Hi I already did that,

In the normal windows i see Everywhere and there are no domains.

But in select user window for exchange mailbox delegation i still see my domain.

Exchange Properties - Delegation
Send As
Send on Behalf Of



If a user doesn't have sufficient permissions to view the domain object, it is hidden everywhere possible. However, it is shown on certain pages of the Web Interface because the domain object serves as the base object for search in many cases, such as searching for possible Send On Behalf Of delegates, and hiding the domain is is simply inappropriate.

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