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We have run into an issue where the special characters in a person's name are causing havoc with email addresses. We need to remove all special characters and only leave letters when creating the email address. Right now we are creating email with the Firstname Lastname parameters. We assume we want to use the FullName and remove the characters before creation. Please advise.

by (3.2k points)

1 Answer

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by (277k points)
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Have a look at the following tutorial: http://www.adaxes.com/tutorials_Simplif ... Script.htm. On step 5 check Example 6: Replace characters in the username.


We would like this script only to modify the alias on the email address. The special characters are breaking import to other databses that pull email addresses. Full Names are ok with special characters.

Please advise.



Then, you need to add the mailNickname attribute to the $props variable. The 1st line of the script will look as follows:

$props = @("mailNickname")

Hello Support,

We just determined this either did not work or stopped working.

$props = @("mailNickname", "mail")
$map =@{ "å"="a"; "ö"="o"; "ä"="a";"ü"="u"; "ñ"="n"; "é"="e"; "-"=""; "'"="" }

foreach ($prop in $props)
    if ($Context.IsPropertyModified($prop))
        $value = $Context.GetModifiedPropertyValue($prop)

        foreach ($key in $map.Keys)
            $value = $value.Replace($key, $map[$key])

        $Context.SetModifiedPropertyValue($prop, $value)
        $Context.LogMessage($prop + ": " + $value, "Information")

Please advise on how to get a successful script to remove these special characters.



What makes you think that the script is not working? Do you face any error messages? If you do, could you post here or send us screenshots?

How exactly do you execute the script? Is it executed as part of a Business Rule? If yes, could you post here or send us a screenshot of the rule configuration? We need something like the following:


We started with a custom command that runs within a Business Rule. During troubleshooting we have disabled the business rule and run it directly from custom command, the test account we are using has the following information that is not changing after a reported successful script run.



The script must be executed by a Business Rule that triggers Before Updating or Creating a User. Also, it must be executed by the Run a program or PowerShell script action. If a Custom Command with the script is added to the Business Rule, the script will not work. Here is an example of the rule configuration for the script to work:

Also, make sure that your test user is within the Activity Scope of the Business Rule.


Ok we have it set up as a Business Rule that runs just like your example.

Here are the results, it looks like it is successful however no changes were made to email address or alias




Check our post one more time. The Business Rule must trigger Before Updating or Creating a User, not After.


ok, i was thinking i needed to have the email alias created first before it could remove characters. I deleted the previous business rule and created it for before creating a user.



As we can see there is a Business Rule that creates a mailbox for the user after the script is executed. You need to create another Business Rule that will trigger Before Creating an Exchange mailbox for a User and execute the script below.

$map = @{ "å"="a"; "ö"="o"; "ä"="a";"ü"="u"; "ñ"="n"; "é"="e"; "-"=""; "'"="" }
$alias = $Context.Action.MailAlias
foreach ($key in $map.Keys)
    $alias = $alias.Replace($key, $map[$key])
$Context.Action.MailAlias = $alias

The rule should look as follows:


Thank you the missing piece was the Before Creating an Exchange Mailbox. Worked flawlessly.

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