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In past I am able to enable Auto Logon (Windows Integrated Auth) in our Internal Adaxes Server (full server) and in same time Form based auth for DMZ Based web server (just web services).

I am trying to upgrade to 2018.2, but as all of my sub websites are replicating configuration between all web servers, If I disable Auto Logon on one, it disables everywhere. So how can I enable Auto Logon for internal server and disable for DMZ server? User should automatically login when internal network but when outside, they should get the auth form for login.

by (460 points)

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by (277k points)
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Unfortunately, there is no such possibility. You will need to create a separate Web Interface that will be available only on the DMZ server and a separate Web Interface that will be available only internally. For information on how to specify on which servers a Web Interface should be available, have a look at the following tutorial: https://www.adaxes.com/tutorials_WebInt ... ervers.htm.


I understand this Access Control and division of web sites into multiple servers. But it is not related to what I am looking for.

So in the current version - Per Website "Auto Logon" config will be pushed to every Server, where this website is hosted.



In Adaxes 2017.2 and earlier each instance of Adaxes Web Interface had its own configuration that was stored on the computer where the Web Interface was installed. As a result, you could have Adaxes Web Interface installed on different computers having Web Interfaces with the same names and different configurations.

Starting with Adaxes 2018.1, the Web Interface configuration is stored on Adaxes backend together with the service configuration. As a result, you can have only one Web Interface with a unique name. There is no possibility to create Web Interfaces with same names no matter how many instances of Adaxes Web Interface you have installed.

That is why, you will need to create two Web Interfaces with different names. One will be available only on the computer in the DMZ and have Auto Logon disabled, the other will be available only on internal computers and will have Auto Logon enabled.

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