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We had some problems with the workflow solution. Seems that when the queue Entries for Approval/deny/Pending when the amount is > 1000 entries, we can't do anything else. When we delete the old entries, it is again working.

Is there an newer Adaxes release, and will it solve the problem?

We are on 2012.1

Thanks and best regards,


by (210 points)

1 Answer

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by (216k points)

Hello Wally,

Does it happen only when using Adaxes Web interface? The thing is when the My Approval/Requests component of Adaxes Web Interface is enabled, Adaxes finds all pending Approval Requests for the current user when loading every page of Adaxes Web Interface. We'll find a way to optimize the process in our next release.


Hi there

Yes, at the moment only in the Web interface.
When will there be a new update/release?




It is planned for the next week.



PS: do you have any training centers in South Africa?


Hello Wally,

We do not have training centers in South Africa but we work with a number of consulting companies in Europe. Feel free to send a request to sales@softerra.com if you'd like to contact one of them.

Please note that Softerra Adaxes' motto is "to make the complex simple" which means it is a rather easy-to-use solution and, basically, no training is required. To make Softerra Adaxes running, you will only have to configure it once in a right way - after that, it will require no further effort. All start-up assistance is provided free of charge, so please do not hesitate to contact us with any issues you might have and be sure to receive the best support possible at no cost. You may be also guided by the Online Help and FAQ sections at our website.

Besides, I'd recommend you a personalized demo session on Softerra Adaxes features. It is also free and provided by our Product Manager who will be able to answer all your technical questions and to present some specific features of Softerra Adaxes.


The issue with Adaxes Web Interface getting slow when there are too many Approval Requests was fixed in Adaxes 2013.1.

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