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I tested Automatic Login without SSL and it worked fine, but with SSL the Web Interface throws Access Denied error the first time I browser the URL.

However, on entering User Id and Password it works.

Has anyone faced a similar issue? Is there any specific configuration required for making Single SignOn work with SSL?

by (730 points)


The main reason for the issue is that, for some reason, the users cannot authenticate in Adaxes Web Interface using the Kerberos authentication mechanism when connecting via SSL.

To help us troubleshoot the Kerberos issue, can you answer the following questions:

  • When accessing the Web Interface via HTTP and when accessing via HTTPS, do you use the same host name in the Web Interface URL, or are these different names? For example, these can be different DNS records for the same computer.
  • When accessing the Web Interface via SSL, do you use the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) for the computer or a certain DNS alias?

It is the same host name for both URLs, in fact, it is the same URL except for the Scheme. I am using the fully qualified domain name.

However, I am using a self signed SSL certificate, since this URL is only available on the intranet. Could this be causing the issue?

1 Answer

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by (216k points)


To resolve the issue, you may try to register a Service Principal Name (SPN) for HTTPS connections on the computer where Adaxes Web Interface is installed. To do this, you need to run the following command line on the computer:

setspn -s https/<fqdn> <netbiosname>


  • <fqdn> - the FQDN of the computer where your Adaxes Web Interface is installed,
  • <netbiosname> - the NetBIOS name of that computer.

Thanks, it worked. It was a problem with the SPN configuration for Kerberos and https


I'm having the same problem, but my web interface and SSL certificate is different from the computer name. What do I need to do to resolve this?

computer FQDN: mitkuscfln89.mii.com
web interface: https://admgmt.mii.com/



Run the following command line on the computer where your Web Interface is installed:

setspn -s https/<dns_alias> <netbiosname>


  • <dns_alias> - the DNS alias of that computer,
  • <netbiosname> - the NetBIOS name of that computer.

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