0 votes

I am upgrading to version 2013-2 and I have found an issue with default field values. I'm hoping you can assist me with this.

“Web Filtering Level” is associated with extensionattribute4:

Note that the default value is not populated in the field:

Note that the field property pattern is recognized:

Also note that one of the custom fields hints data bleeds into the field value.

by (950 points)


It looks like you didn't attach the last screenshot:

Note that the field property pattern is recognized:
Also note that one of the custom fields hints data bleeds into the field value.

Can you post it?



Property Pattern issue

We didn't manage to reproduce such behavior in our testing environment. Can you clarify the following so that we could continue investigating?

What browser are you using? Can you try the same in another browser?

I am upgrading to version 2013-2

Does this happen in Adaxes 2013.2?

Also note that one of the custom fields hints data bleeds into the field value.

As far as we can see from the screenshot, it's displayed OK. When a user selects any of the values, the hint text will disappear.


Yes - this happens in 2013-2. It works correctly in the original version 2012.1.

When you bring up the web form in the original version, the default values are populated in the field (you can change if you want). In the new instance, the field is left empty - you can select the dropdown list and choose a value, but it is not filled in automatically.


OK, understood. What about the web browser?


Behaves the same in IE, Firefox and Chrome.



Thanks. We've asked our QA guys to investigate the issue. We'll update this topic as soon as they come up with something.



Our QA guys didn't manage to reproduce the issue. Can you do the following:

  1. Back up the configuration of the Web interface where the issue is reproduced. For information on how to do this, see Backup/Restore Web Interface Configuration.
  2. Send the backup file to our support e-mail (support@adaxes.com).

Also, when you load the page in Internet Explorer, do you see a Javascript error icon in the status bar at the bottom of the window?

If you see such an icon, can you do the following:

  1. Double-click the icon.
  2. Click Show details.
  3. Select all errors and click Copy error details.
  4. Send the details of all errors to our support emauil or post them here.

I emailed the web configuration backup file.

It appears (included in my email) that one of my regular expressions is causing the issue. I noted other odd behavior that is corrected when this is removed in the email.

I do get an error in IE. Here are the details:

Webpage error details

User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; vul-na)
Timestamp: Mon, 16 Dec 2013 19:40:16 UTC

Message: Syntax error in regular expression
Line: 1
Char: 19032
Code: 0
URI: https://jaxadproxy.na.vul.com/AdaxesAdm ... idators.js

Message: Syntax error in regular expression
Line: 1
Char: 19032
Code: 0
URI: https://jaxadproxy.na.vul.com/AdaxesAdm ... idators.js



It is very likely that the issue is caused by the regular expression. The thing is that both checking of the values against regular expressions and setting default values for properties are handled by JavaScript. So, if the regular expression is incorrect and failing, this can also prevent the JavaScript from performing the other functions correctly.

Right now our QA guys are checking the issue to make sure that it is only the regular expression that is causing the issue. If the issue is in the regular expression, we will help you to build a correct one.


Thank you very much for your prompt attention to this. I appreciate it.


The issue is caused by the highlighted part of the regular expression that cannot be parsed:

What is it supposed to check for?


In some regex syntax, this ignores the case.

1 Answer

0 votes
by (216k points)

Such syntax is not supported.

You can use the default regex provided by Adaxes for the Email property that does exactly the same:
Instead of using some syntax to ignore the case, it simply adds uppercase characters as an allowed character class.

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