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We need to be able to put the ticket number into the custom command 'Deprovision'. Action -> Modify the user: set description to [%ticketNumber%] Deprovisioned on %datetime% by %initiator%. Is it possible to query/set attributes within a Custom Command similar to Read-Host in Powershell? At the moment we use adminDescription to store the ticket number. We don't want 2 steps in our deprovision process

  • set adminDescription with ticket number
  • run Custom Command 'Deprovision'

regards Helmut

by (510 points)


Sorry for the confusion, but we are not sure we understand the desired behavior. Do you need to input the ticket number manually when running the Custom Command or it should be taken from a specific property of the target user? Any additional details and live examples will be very helpful.



"to input the ticket number manually when running the Custom Command" is what we wanted to do - but I found no solution. So I decided to do it like described in this articel (https://www.adaxes.com/questions/1685/ticket-number-required-for-all-activities?show=1685#q1685) At the moment deprovisioning of a user are 2 steps like written in my question -setting adminDescription and starting Custom Command. User will be deleted 90 days later with a scheduled task. Our helpdesk often "forget" step 1 so I have no reference in case of recovery/enabling the user.

regards Helmut

1 Answer

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by (300k points)


The thing is that by the time the question you referenced was asked, Custom Commands did not have parameters. The feature was introduced in Adaxes version 2018.2. For details on creating Custom Commands with parameters, have a look at the following tutorial: https://www.adaxes.com/tutorials_ActiveDirectoryManagement_CreateCustomCommand.htm. Parameters usage is described on step 4 of the tutorial. You will need to add an Edit box parameter to your Custom Command and make sure that empty value is not allowed for it. The parameter will be used to enter a ticket number when running the command and there will be no way for the command to be executed without specifying a value for the parameter.

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