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I would like to see additional actions like:

Add a Group
Add a User

I would also like to see all actions available no matter what the initiator was. For example, when adding a user, it'd be nice to be able to either add another user account or add/modify a group.

My scenarios:

Create a new user account, but this user is an IT employee. So they need a 2nd Administrative account. Yes this can be scripted or triggered, however, it'd be easier if these actions were simply available.

Create multiple groups for security. I need ReadWrite, ReadOnly, NoAccess groups to be created for each project. Yes it can be scripted, but some of the scripting is difficult, particularly setting the Owner ACLs.



by (510 points)

1 Answer

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by (216k points)
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Best answer

Hello Joel,

In our sandbox, we have a similar request: to be able to always redirect a user to a particular page after an action is complete. In your case, you could, for example, always redirect users to the home page so that they could start a new action right away. This request is rather popular, so, most probably, we'll include it in one of the future releases.

Also, what do you think about the following scenario:

  1. When creating an account for a new user, there will be a check box, something like Also create an account with elevated privileges.
  2. If this check box is selected, using a Business Rule and a script, Adaxes will create an exact copy of the new user account, maybe with another name (e.g. Admin New User) and/or located in a dedicated OU for administrators.
  3. The Distinguished Name (DN) of that copied account will be stored in one of the properties of the new user.
  4. When the action is complete, that property will be available on the page for viewing users, so that it would be possible to click on it and check/modify the copied account, add it to appropriate groups etc.

If you are OK with such a solution, we can provide you with a detailed description on how to achieve it.

A similar approach can also be used with groups.

Yes it can be scripted, but some of the scripting is difficult, particularly setting the Owner ACLs.

If you want, we can help you with ACL management via scripts. If you can describe your requirements in more detail, we'll assign our script guys to write you the necessary code samples / snippets that you can use.

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