0 votes

We have a few password self-service policies mostly using the Microsoft Authenticator app but certain users need to use Questions instead. We have a single user that, in the admin console, appears to have the correct password self-service policy.


But when they sign in to the self-service portal to enroll, it is showing a different policy applying asking her to enroll using the Authenticator app.


I have tried resetting her account even though it shows that she is not enrolled with no luck. I have also had her use private or incognito mode to make sure it is not a cache issue. Your help is greatly appreciated!

by (2.3k points)

2 Answers

0 votes
by (2.3k points)
Best answer

We set the policy to force enrollment and that seems to clear whatever it was holding onto so the user could enroll in the new policy.

0 votes
by (216k points)

Hello Mark,

Could you, please, confirm that the account whose credentials were specified for logon to the Self-Service Web Interface is the same one the look up for policy in Adaxes Administration Console was performed for? If it is, please, post here or send us (support[at]adaxes.com) a screenshot of the Authentication tab of the No cell phone password self-service policy. We need something like the following: image.png


I have confirmed the same account is being used. Here is a screenshot of the policy:



Hello Mark,

Thank you for the provided details. Does the issue persist when you logon with the user credentials from another computer? If it does, please, describe the operations that the user performs to get to the Selbstandiges Kennword-Zurucksetzen wizard step by step and send us (support[at]adaxes.com) the screenshots of each step.

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