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I would like the HR to be able to set the date of deprovision User. So that it's executed on set date and not on command.

I Tryed with parameter (Date/Time picker) but it still run on command.


Is it possible with custom command or do i have to make Scheduled Task with (Date/time picker)?

by (340 points)

1 Answer

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by (294k points)


To achieve the desired, you will need to use a Scheduled Task and a custom date attribute (e.g. CustomAttributeDate1). The attribute will be used to specify the date when the deprovisioning actions will be executed. The date can be set by a Modify User Web Interface action or a Custom Command with the date/time parameter. If you prefer using a Custom Command, it will look like the following: image.png In the Scheduled Task, use the following script from our repository to check the deprovisioning date of users: https://www.adaxes.com/script-repository/check-whether-date-in-object-property-is-today-s528.htm. Finally, the task will look like the following: image.png



The version of Adaxes that allows you to achieve the desired behaviour using a condition exactly as the one in your screenshot was released. You can download it here.

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