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I know there probably better places for this question but since I need to use Get-AdmUser I was wondering if you could help me build a Filter to find all user accounts which have extensionAttribute5 set to 'Employee' and either no EmployeeID or EmployeeID like 'XX9*' or EmployeeID like 'XXX9*'
This filter is an addition to one of our PowerShell scripts we are using within Adaxes to automatically send a report every month but we need to narrow it down

Thanks in advance

by (960 points)

1 Answer

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by (216k points)
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Best answer

Hello Ingemar,

Here you are:

Get-AdmUser -Filter {(extensionAttribute5 -eq "Employee") -and ((employeeID -notlike "*") -or (employeeID -like "XX9*") -or (employeeID -like "XXX9*"))}

that worked, thanks so much. I had the wrong order.

kind regards

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