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Is there any option to replace the CAPTCHA with a different one? I believe I know the answer to this but I said I would ask the experts.

We recently rolled out the Password Manager solution to 9K employees and have another 6K more to go over the next few months and the number one complaint so far is that the CAPTCHA is frustrating.

by (590 points)

1 Answer

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by (216k points)
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Best answer


Actually, you can configure the built-in CAPTCHA used in Adaxes the way you need. To do this:

  1. Close the Web Interface Customization tool.

  2. Open the Web.config file with a text editor. By default, it is located in folder C:\Program Files\Softerra\Adaxes 3\Web Interface\*<Web Interface type>*** on the computer where the Web Interface is installed.

  3. Add captchaConfiguration XML element to section configuration\softerra.adaxes\web.ui\ as follows:

                 <web.ui ...>
                         fontFamilyName="Times New Roman"
                         charSet ="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890"


    • backgroundColor - specifies the background color.

    • fontColor - specifies the font color.

    • noiseLinesColor - specifies the color of noise lines.

    • noiseColor - specifies the color of small noise particles.

        **Note:** For *backgroundColor*, *fontColor*, *noiseLinesColor* and *noiseColor* you can use HTML color codes (e.g. *\#ECEEF2*) or predefined HTML colors (e.g. *White*, *DimGray*).
    • fontFamilyName - specifies the font family for the CAPTCHA text.

    • fontStyle - specifies the font style. Can be Regular, Bold, Italic, Strikeout, Underline or a comma-separated combination of these, for example: Bold,Italic.

    • minFontSize and maxFontSize - specify the minimum and maximum font sizes. The actual font size of each character can be any random value between the minimum and the maximum sizes.

    • charSet - specifies a set of characters to use.

    • captchaLength - specifies the number of characters in the CAPTCHA.

    • noiseLinesCount - specifies the number of noise lines.

    • verticalWaveAmplitude and horizontalWaveAmplitude - specify the vertical and horizontal amplitudes for the wave distortion of the font.

    • noiseLevel - specifies the amount of noise to use. Can be None, Low, Medium or High.

    • fontDistortionLevel - specifies the amount of text distortion. Can be None, Low, Medium or High.

  4. When done, save the file.


Works great thank you.


Is this answer still valid? Looking at the web.conf it looks like not much is stored here in the latest 2018.2 version.


Hello Jake,

The above information is valid only for Adaxes version 2017.2 and earlier. In Adaxes 2018.1 and later it is possible to modify captcha settings only using PowerShell scripts. For an example, have a look at the following script from our repository: https://www.adaxes.com/script-repositor ... 2-s524.htm.

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