Is it possible to add an icon from say an .ico file to Custom Commands or to extend the icons available from the drop down selection list in some way?
Hello Sam,
No, that's not possible at the moment.
We currently have a custom command implemented that sends a remove passcode command to a DEP managed iOS device. The script works fine when testing in the Adminstration console, ... { $Context.LogMessage("Failing to send Wipe command", "Warning") return } }
I have a number of custom Powershell scripts that add users to Teams, groups, etc. I re-use these scripts dozens of times for different conditions and only change one ... possible to convert this script to a custom command and pass parameters to it instead?
Dear, I'm having issue in adding a group to a Business Unit. The situation is as following: We have given our IT ServiceDesk access to manage certain groups. This is ... Unit.", "Information") Can you please verify what is preventing the addition? Thank you.
Is there a way to configure a Custom Command parameter to accept multiple values so I can then add them to a multi value attribute such as adm-CustomAttributeObjectMultiValue1 ... in my specific case I'm looking to use a directory object picker parameter
We have a series of transforms we use for users including moving to different OU's. Is there a way to open the user's object after the command completes much in the same way a user creation does?