0 votes

Is there a way to add a list of groups with checkboxes beside in the Create user part of the portal? I would like to have checkboxes for a small nr of groups when helpdesk is creating a user so that the user is added to that group automatically. I don't want to use some other attribute and check that using a business rule.

by (260 points)

Found the "answer" myself..
Add MemberOf on Create User Form

Or is there any new input on this?

1 Answer

0 votes
by (216k points)


Currently, the only way how you can do what you want is to add a set of Adaxes custom boolean attributes to the form for creating users, 1 attribute for each group. Boolean attributes can be displayed as checkboxes, so users will see exactly what you want: a set of checkboxes where they can tick the groups they want.

Then, a Business Rule triggered after creating a user will add the new user to the necessary groups using a script.

If you want to implement such a solution, here are a couple of links that can help you:

  1. How to add attributes to the form for creating users (starting from step 6): http://www.adaxes.com/tutorials_WebInte ... tomization ;

  2. How to automatically run a script after creating a user: http://www.adaxes.com/tutorials_Automat ... ngUser.htm ;

  3. Scripts that can help you writing your own script for the solution you need:

If you want us to write a script for you, our script guys can do that.


OK. I'll take a look at this. Thanks!

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