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In the user creation entry I have added a renamed custom attribute called Start Date so that the requester can only request accounts be created past a certain relative date. The idea is to implement the policy that all requests require at least 2 weeks margin so staff has time to provision material and do necessary inventory checks, delivery, etc. I have gotten so far as defining the default date in the property pattern of a renamed custom date attribute (e.g. admCustomeAttributeDate > Start Date), but there is no way to restrict it in Property Pattern to only dates that are more than 2 weeks after the request. Is this a limitation of the product or am I looking to implement this requirement incorrectly?

by (80 points)

1 Answer

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by (294k points)


Unfortunately, there is no possibility to specify the limits you need. Thank you for the suggestion. We have forwarded it to the corresponding department.

As a solution, you can use a business rule triggering Before creating a user. The rule will cancel the operation if the date attribute does not meet the requirements. For example, if the date must be at least 2 weeks after the current date, the business rule will look like the following: image.png

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