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We have four OUs in Active Directory (Pending Deletion, Disabled with Mail Delegates, Disabled with HR Extensions and Disabled_Temp_Leave) that users are moved to prior to their eventual deletion. We would like Adaxes to email a report to select users that will show who in the past 7 days have been moved to one of 4 of these OUs. Thanks!

by (240 points)

Hello Ray,

For us to suggest a solution, please, specify the following:

  • What should be displayed in the report if a user was first moved to one of the four OUs and then moved to another one?
  • What columns must be displayed in the report? An example of the report would be much appreciated.

Please, note that if users are moved to the OUs outside of Adaxes (e.g. using ADUC) there will be no possibility to display the users in the report.


We would like to just show what users are in one of the four OUs and what OU they are in. If they move to one of the four OUs, then get moved out, we do not want them in there.

The columns would be name of the person and what OU they are in. Maybe the last modification date/time as well.

1 Answer

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by (14.5k points)

Hello Ray,

Thank you for specifying. To achieve the desired you can create a custom report executing the following script from our repository: https://www.adaxes.com/script-repository/users-recently-moved-to-the-specified-ou-s625.htm.

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