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This is issue has been going on for awhile with worsening symptons. We opened up this ticket awhile back when it was just the web interface that wouldn't work and after upgrading to 2021.1, we can't connect to the managed domain at all anymore. Ticket Link

I have contacted Microsoft Support to make sure that the domain is working as intended. When we view the wireshark files, we see the connection come through as successful but Adaxes says the password is incorrect. We have created a new service account, and tried several account options without success. We have a firewall in between our adaxes servers and this secondary domain but our security team has verified no blocks and has down a tcp dump to ensure nothing else is going on such as an application firewall or any other type of drops. Something in the authentication seems to have changed with this version.

I would like to schedule a call with your team, us, and microsoft support to get to the bottom of this. Having a separate install is not a viable option.

by (2.3k points)

Hello Mark,

we can't connect to the managed domain at all anymore.

What do you mean by "we can't connect"? Does the issue occur on registering the secondary domain in Adaxes or on specific operations? If you face any errors, please, post here or send us (support@adaxes.com) screenshots.

Having a separate install is not a viable option.

Do we understand correctly that you installed an instance of Adaxes service in the secondary domain sharing common configuration with the primary one (not a separate configuration) but the issue persists?

I would like to schedule a call with your team, us, and microsoft support to get to the bottom of this.

We will gladly schedule a WebEx meeting to help you with the issue. Please, post here or send us your time zone, convenient date/time, and the email address(es) of all the meeting attendees.


Thanks for your quick response. The error occurs when attempting to add the managed domain. We get "invalid username or password".

Can you do July 6th at 11am CST or 3pm CST? The MSFT support person has a calendar scheduling web app I have to use. If you send me the webex, I can forward over to him and book his time.


Hello Mark,

Thank you for specifying. We scheduled the WebEx meeting for Tuesday, July 6, at 11:00 AM CDT (UTC -5). The invitation was sent to the email specified in your Q&A profile. You should receive it shortly.


Thank you!

1 Answer

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by (2.3k points)
Best answer

This was due to the trust being set to selective. If this is the case, you have to give rights to the users on the objects themselves.

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