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I'm working on different custom script to integrate Adaxes with custom Cloud Services.

The goal will be to trigger Third Part Services directory sync on a lot of different changes (basically all create/update/delete event on users and groups).

For example:

  • triggering a Workspace ONE Access remote directory sync via REST API
  • triggering a Workspace OEN UEM remote sync / user import via REST API
  • triggering a Google Cloud Directory Sync run via local action to run
  • etc

Basically what is currently done with Azure AD built-in integration but for an infinity of situation.

Currently I handle this situation with custom script. But we cannot register a custom script as an action we can use in multiple rules. We need to have multiple rules with each of them a copy of the script.

This is higly unmaintable. If we have to change something in a script (fix, authorization token, etc.) we have to edit multiple actions.

Is there a way to register a custom script as an action usable by multiples rules? To add it in the list of built-in actions?

If not, how can we store a script as an external exe that will be replicated by Adaxes automatically accross all Adaxes instances?

by (240 points)

1 Answer

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by (296k points)


Is there a way to register a custom script as an action usable by multiples rules?

Unfortunately, there is no possibility to store scripts as separate objects. However, thank you for the suggestion. We forwarded it to the corresponding department for consideration.

If not, how can we store a script as an external exe that will be replicated by Adaxes automatically accross all Adaxes instances?

There is no need to use external programs. Moreover, it is not recommended as in this case the scripts will not be included into Adaxes backups. As a solution, you can create a custom command with only a single action running your script. Then you can add the command to your business rules, scheduled tasks and other custom commands via the Execute a custom command action. In this case, you will have just a single place for updating the script when necessary.

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