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We have 4 application servers that are hosting adaxes services. It seems that one or two always have the majority of web connections and running tasks. I will reboot them but then it just moves everything over to another server and over loads it. The servers are 10vCPU and 16gb of ram. The ram seems to only ever be used at 50% but CPU spikes to 90% to 100%.

Do you guys have any idea to keep the load even among the servers? We are load balancing the web side of it using Citrix ADC and have even off loaded a portion of the web traffic to 4 other servers for our main group of users (Self-service).

by (2.3k points)

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by (296k points)
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Hello Mark,

Unfortunately, there is no possibility to configure load distribution among Adaxes services. Still in the latest version of Adaxes Web interfaces distribute the load by automatically picking different service instances for operations. If you are using an older version of Adaxes, you can have multiple computers with both Adaxes service and Web interface components with a Web farm that will balance the load among Web interfaces. In this case, each Web interface will connect to the service instance on the same computer. For information on how to check the version of Adaxes you are using, have a look at the following help article: https://www.adaxes.com/help/CheckServiceVersion.

For your information, the load can also be due to scheduled tasks. Each of them is configured to run on a specific service instance first. As such, it can happen so that not only Web interface requests but also scheduled tasks are performed by a service. If you have a lot of scheduled tasks, it is recommended to have a dedicated service instance to run them. For information on how to configure a scheduled task to run on a specific Adaxes service, have a look at the following help article: https://www.adaxes.com/help/BindScheduledTaskToService.


Ok thank you for this extra information. We are going to stand up more web servers and see if that helps. We currently host some web traffic on the service computers and that seems to be what is overloading it.

We have balanced the scheduled tasks evenly. We will see about adding a service just for the scheduled tasks. Thank you for the quick response!

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