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I have few question:

  1. How can we send OTP for self service password reset using Whatsapp?
  2. when we assign Helpdesk to reset password, intead of they set temporary password manually, can we auto generate the temporary password and then send it to user's Whatsapp/SMS?
  3. when we assign Helpdesk to reset password, intead of they set temporary password, can we auto generate the temporary password from user's attribute such as date of birth?
by (170 points)

1 Answer

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by (298k points)


How can we send OTP for self service password reset using Whatsapp?

Unfortunately, there is no such possibility. The code can only be generated by a mobile application (e.g. Google Authenticator). As an option, you can send verification codes via email/SMS instead.

when we assign Helpdesk to reset password, intead of they set temporary password manually, can we auto generate the temporary password and then send it to user's Whatsapp/SMS?

It is possible using a custom command and a PowerShell script. The script will set a generated password for the user, enable the Must change password at next logon option and deliver the password to the user via SMS.

when we assign Helpdesk to reset password, intead of they set temporary password, can we auto generate the temporary password from user's attribute such as date of birth?

Yes, it is possible. The passwords will need to be reset using a custom command with the Reset user password action. To use user property values to generate the new password, specify corresponding value references in the template.


Unfortunately, there is no such possibility. The code can only be generated by a mobile application (e.g. Google Authenticator). As an option, you can send verification codes via email/SMS instead.

Can we send the verification code through other method? or perhaps run custom script to send verification code?

It is possible using a custom command and a PowerShell script. The script will set a generated password for the user, enable the Must change password at next logon option and deliver the password to the user via SMS.

How to configure web GUI to just allow HelpDesk to choose "reset password without ability to type it manually the temporary password?

Do you have the script to auto generate password or assign password from user's attribute?



Can we send the verification code through other method? or perhaps run custom script to send verification code?

Verification codes for self-password reset can only be sent via SMS or email. There are no other way and it cannot be scripted.

How to configure web GUI to just allow HelpDesk to choose "reset password without ability to type it manually the temporary password?

What exactly do you mean? Could you, please, provide a live example of the desired workflow?

Do you have the script to auto generate password or assign password from user's attribute?

Here is an example on how to set a random password of 12 characters for a user:


In the same way you can set user password to a value based on their properties. For example, this script sets the password to the value of the user department:

$Context.TargetObject.SetPassword("%department %")

In both cases, the scripts use value references. For more details about the feature, have a look at the following help article: https://www.adaxes.com/help/ValueReferences.

For your information, such password generations can be performed without using scripts. You can use the built-in Reset user password action in your custom command. It allows using a template based on value references and generating random complex passwords based on predefined criteria. image.png image.png

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