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I need to insert this condition:

# The condition is met if $Context.ConditionIsMet is set to $True.
# $Context.ConditionIsMet = $False

$day = Get-Date -UFormat %V

$Context.ConditionIsMet = (($day -eq 1)-or ($day -eq 5))

The %V form is not accept in adaxes but is correct in powershell. Any suggest? I need to get week number of month in gregorian calendar. Thanks in advance, Simone

by (430 points)

1 Answer

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by (294k points)
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Hello Simone,

The thing is that in Adaxes scripts the percent (%) character is considered to be the beginning or the end of a value reference. To achieve the desired, you need to double the character in your script. Finally, it should be as follows:

$day = Get-Date -UFormat %%V

$Context.ConditionIsMet = (($day -eq 1) -or ($day -eq 5))

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