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We would like to have some email notifications sent based on custom commands. The issue is some of the emails need to have the users password in them.

While reading through the forum, we understand that the %unicodePwd% variable is only good in a Business Rule and doesn't resolve in a custom command. So we modified our business rule so that anytime a password is reset, it also writes that password to CustomAttributeText1 of the affected user.

Here is the business rule:

After resetting password of a user:
Modify the User: set adm-CustomAttributeText1 to '%unicodePwd%'

Here is our custom command:

Reset password for the User
Modify the User: set Password Never Expires to 'False', set Must Change Password at Logon to 'True', set User Cannot Change Password to 'False'
Send e-mail notification (New Password for %fullname%)

The issue we see is that the email notification in the custom command is being generated and sent BEFORE the business rule has changed the password and written the new password to CustomAttributeText1. As a result, the email that goes out always has the old value in CustomAttributeText1, not the changed password in the first step of the custom command.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

by (70 points)

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by (216k points)
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The reason why your Custom Command does not work is that value references are resolved before executing any actions contained in a Custom Command. In particular, the %adm-CustomAttributeText1% value reference is resolved into the old value before the command resets a user password.

To resolve the issue, we recommend that you send e-mail notification using a script. You can find an example of the script in the Server-Side Scripting article, the Sending Email and SMS section.

In the script, you need to get the value of the CustomAttributeText1 attribute using the IADs::Get() method, for example:

$newPassword = $Context.TargetObject.Get("adm-CustomAttributeText1")

$to = "%adm-ManagerEmail%"
$subject = "New Password for %fullname%"
$bodyText =
Password for %fullname% has been changed. New password: $newPassword.
$bodyHtml = $NULL

$Context.SendMail($to, $subject, $bodyText, $bodyHtml)

Warning: Pay attention that storing passwords as plain text is not a good idea from the security standpoint. We recommend storing passwords in encrypted form. As you will use a script to send passwords anyway, you can store them as SecureString instead of plain text. In that case SecureString will be decrypted in your Custom Command immediately before sending the email notification. It will be possible to decrypt the SecureStrings only using credentials of the default service administrator. We can provide you code samples for encrypting / decrypting passwords to/from SecureStrings.

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