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Is it possible to execute a custom command after creating a user, with the intention to prompt the end user for more information?

For example we have a User Onboarding form/business rule, I want my custom command to execute when the office location equals 'Remote'. The custom command would then prompt for a 'Country' to be specified from a param dropdown list.


by (250 points)

1 Answer

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by (299k points)


Unfortunately, there is no possibility to execute a custom command in a business rule, scheduled task or another custom command and prompt the user for parameter values. Values for parameters are specified right in the Execute a Custom Command action. image.png As a solution, you can configure allowed values for an Adaxes custom attribute (e.g. CustomAttributeText1) for it to be displayed as a drop-down list, add the attribute to the user creation form and the attribute value to the custom command instead of using a parameter.


Is the requested feature in this question on the Adaxes roadmap? Currently, the only way to implement this functionality would be to prevent using the native Adaxes 'create user' form (and all it's useful features) and to force users to use a Custom Command, which is more limited.



The feature is not on the roadmap. However, the suggestion was forwarded to the corresponding department for consideration.

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