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We plan to use Adaxes in a multi-forest environment and serveral thousand of users.
The web interface will be used by sys admins and service desk staff (less that 15).
I want the installation to be as simple and light as possible and virtualization will be used (in case of crash the VM can be restored from backup).
So, in this scenario what is the recommendation? Will just one server be enough? Or maybe one server for IIS and another one for the others services?

Thanks in advances.

by (1.1k points)

1 Answer

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by (216k points)
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First of all, to backup Adaxes configuration, instead of backing up the whole of your VM, we recommend using Adaxes service and Web Interface backup/restore to preserve the configuration of Adaxes. For detailed instructions, see the following help articles:

  1. Backup/Restore Service Configuration
  2. Backup/Restore Web Interface Configuration

Although one server should be sufficient from the point of view of performance, to ensure load balancing and fault tolerance, consider installing multiple instances of Adaxes services sharing common configuration. In such a configuration, you will be able to balance the load among those services, but what is more important, if one of the services fails or becomes unavailable, the other services will be available and will provide Adaxes functionality to your admins / service desk people. For more details, see section Service Configuration Replication in the Technical Overview.

You can also ensure redundancy on the Web Interface side by installing Web interfaces to a web farm. For more information, have a look at the corresponding topic in our Installation Notes: http://www.adaxes.com/resources/InstNotes.htm#webfarm.

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