+1 vote

We would like to build the following construct, but we do not know how to make this feasible:

We would like to store several approvers at one approval request. These approvers should be authorized to accept or reject approval requests. However, the approval request mail should only be sent to a central mail address and not to all persons who are authorized to accept the request.

Is there a way to do this? Or would this be possible to build a powershell script?

by (160 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
by (299k points)

Hello Robin,

Unfortunately, there is no such possibility. Approval emails are always sent to all the approvers specified for a request.


Is there a way to disable the mail function at a approval task without disabling the whole mail function?


Hello Robin,

Unfortunately, there is no possibility to disable email delivery specifically for approvals.


Okay thank you for the answer. Would be nice if this would be possible in a next update.

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