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I am unable to move computer objects from any computer OU to another. I receive an access denied error when I try. I am able to delete computers that have been disjoined from the domain. I also am able to move users from one OU to another. We even tried the steps listed in the topic Permissions Required to move Computers.

Any assistance would be helpful.


by (40 points)


Could you provide us with screenshots of the Security Roles assigned to the user? For details on how to get a list of the assigned Security Roles, check the following help article: http://www.adaxes.com/help/ManageSecuri ... forms.html.


Here is the requested info as it will not allow me to insert a screenshot

For the Computers Effective Security Roles this is listed:
Account Manager - Production (Builtin)
Computer Manager (Builtin)
Domain User (Builtin)
Group Manager (Builtin)
Help Desk (Builtin)

I am listed in account Manager - Production
I have the following assigned to me
Assigned Over Scope
Computers Subtree
Also selected is Child objects of this OU

If there is any other info you need please let me know.




Could you send the screenshots to support@adaxes.com? We need something like the following for each Security Role:

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