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I am working on creating a report which will pull data from O365 using PowerShell (data I am looking for is not available natively in ADAxes from what I can see), and generate a report of Azure group memberships. The report prompts the user to select an ADObject which it then uses to determine what user object to pull the report for.

I know how to use this data to query O365 and get the data I want, but I am having difficulty figuring out how to add the data I collect into custom columns in the report.

For example, I have four columns I want to create and populate:

  • Group Name (Text)
  • Group Mail Address (Text)
  • Group Type (Text)
  • Dynamic Group (Boolean)

All of the above attributes I can pull from O365 via PowerShell, but I am not sure how to properly create the columns, and also to populate them with the attributes collected in the script.

by (60 points)

1 Answer

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by (294k points)


To achieve the desired, you need to use custom columns. It is not about Adaxes not having specific attributes. The thing is that you can only obtain cloud objects using scripts and view their properties in reports only using custom columns. For details on how to work with report custom columns in scripts, have a look at section Setting values for custom columns of the following SDK article: http://www.adaxes.com/sdk/GeneratingReports/#setting-values-for-custom-columns. Also, the following script from our repository might be helpful: https://www.adaxes.com/script-repository/status-of-users-mfa-in-microsoft-365-s601.htm.

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