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We are currently using Adaxes Web interface for user provisioning and would like to add back-end fully automated process in addition to Web interface.
If I have csv file that I want to use to create user account (mail enabled) with schedule task and the process should trigger Business rules that already defined in creating user account (and works fine with User provisioning with Web Interface). We also have some property pattern (User Pattern) define in Adaxes like Password, USer logon Name, Display name, Exchange mailbox store, Custom user property (CustomTextAttribute) etc.
I have already tried simple Topic "Schedule Import of Users from a CSV File". It does not help the way I want account setup (with all the business rules triggered to setup account correctly and properly)

Note: csv user data and header can be modified to meet import user data requirement

by (20 points)

Where are the users being created, which OU? Does this fall within the activity scopes of your business rules and property patterns?


User initially created in Users OU and later Business Rules kick in (if using web interface but not when using scheduled Task) to move user to specific OU based on their geo location. Ye it does fall within the activity scope


Sorry, not sure then.

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