0 votes

I have Deprovision set to the followingUntitled.png

It half works. It will only disable the users and thats it. It wont move them to a disabled users OU, reset the PW or change the description. Nothing else happens. The logs show it excuted but the logs return with "The logs are empty". I don't know what is wrong or why it isnt working as intended.

by (150 points)


For troubleshooting purposes, please, provide a screenshot of the Execute Deprovision custom command operation execution log. For information on how to view it, see https://www.adaxes.com/help/ViewOperationsPerformedViaAdaxes. You can post the screenshot here or send to us at support@adaxes.com.

Also, we noticed that actions and conditions are combined in quite a strange way. The first action set works only for disabled accounts and disables them again. Also, the second action set only works for disabled accounts as well. For your information, if you disable a user in one action set and then use the If account is disabled condition in the next one, the condition will only be met if the account is initially disabled.



Here is a screenshot of the logs.

For the conditions, it was orginally set to if Always then. I changed it to disable but now I have no idea how to change it back. How do I set it to where when I disable the account, the rest of the rule is triggered?

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (299k points)


The screenshot only shows the modify operations. It is not related to the custom command from your initial screenshot. Custom commands can only be executed manually or as a part of a business rule, scheduled task or another custom command. If you want the custom command to be executed automatically when a user is disabled, create a business rule like below: image.png As for the condition, to remove one, just right-click the required condition and click Delete Condition. image.png


I did what you stated above and the same thing happened. It would just disable the user and nothing else. 1.png 2.png


Logs only showed that it would executed.


Fixed. Thanks.

For me, I didnt have the Deprovision icon on the web interface, I was using the native disable user.

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