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If we want to obtain the Object ID for the corresponding 365 object of a user, we would use the logic:


-if such a value is not available, we assume the user object does not have a corresponding Microsoft 365 account.

Is there equivelent logic/code, that Adaxes recommends we use, for determing if a user object definitively belongs to an on-premises Active Directory domain or a cloud Azure AD domain?

by (210 points)

1 Answer

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by (299k points)


The approach you specified does not provide you with a possibility to distinguish Azure AD and on-premises AD accounts. You need to use the AzureID property. For details, have a look at the following article: https://www.adaxes.com/sdk/IAdmTop/#AzureId_details.


The approach I specified was just an example of utilising an attribute to determine the status of something, not a specific example of what I was asking about.



Sure, totally understandable. We just wanted to point that out so that anybody else reding this thread can see that as well and use the proper approach for the specific task.


Would this check be correct?

$ObjectGUID = try { [Guid]$Context.TargetObject.Get("objectGUID") } catch { <# This should never throw an exception? #> } 
$ObjectAzureID = try { [Guid]$Context.TargetObject.Get("adm-AzureID") } catch {}
if($null -eq $ObjectAzureID -or $ObjectGUID -ne $ObjectAzureID) {
    # Object belongs to Active Directory domain
} else {
    # Object belongs to Azure domain


There is no need to check the objectGUID property as it can never be empty. Finally, you can have a script like the following:

    $identifier = [Guid]$Context.TargetObject.Get("adm-AzureID")
    # The account belongs to on-premises AD.

I'm primarily comparing objectGUID against adm-AzureID.

I don't believe what you said is correct, I've seen AD Users and Azure Users with populated adm-AzureID attributes.

I've created, and tested, this following Cmdlet:

Returns whether or not the given Object belongs to an Azure domain

Checks if InputObject's objectGUID matches it's adm-AzureID

.PARAMETER InputObject
The Adaxes Object that is to be checked. Typically this will be $Context.TargetObject or an object with a base type of Softerra.Adaxes.Adsi.AdmObject

PS> Get-AdxNativeAzureObjectStatus -InputObject $Context.TargetObject

PS> ,$Context.TargetObject | Get-AdxNativeAzureObjectStatus

Take note of the "," prefix in the pipelined example as it's a workaround to prevent array unrolling
Function Get-AdxNativeAzureObjectStatus {
    $ObjectGUID = try { [Guid]$InputObject.Get("objectGUID") } catch { } 
    $ObjectAzureID = try { [Guid]$InputObject.Get("adm-AzureID") } catch {}
    $null -ne $ObjectAzureID -and $null -ne $ObjectGUID -and $ObjectGUID -eq $ObjectAzureID


Sorry for the confusion, you are right. The adm-AzureID property is only empty for on-premises AD accounts not associated with a Microsoft 365 tenant in Adaxes. You approach should work just fine.

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