We haven't restored the config.
Adaxes 2023 has been installed on a new server and we are testing in parrallel.
The issue appeared to be missing permissions for the APP registration.
We'd setup the registration up for use with the existing Adaxes version but didn't use it.
I corrected the permissions and now I can see sign-in dates in the Last-Logon-Timestamp column for Azure AD users which is great.
The Last Logon column is empty for Azure AD users.
It does raise another issue however.
For Active Diretory synchronised users we see two values.
Last-Logon-Timestamp which is the value from AD.
Last Logon which I was hoping would be the Azure AD last sign-in date.
For one user it shows 13/07/2020
In the Azure portal the actual last sign-in was 13/12/2022
I've checked a few others and the date in Last Logon doesn't show the same value as the portal.
Should Last Logon be the Azure AD last sign-in date or does this represent another value?