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I'd like to properly debug PowerShell runspaces used in Adaxes. Is the PowerShell Debugger safe to use with Adaxes? It's use would allow PowerShell developers to use proper external PowerShell debugging tools.

Specifically, I'm referring to the use of Wait-Debugger in Adaxes PowerShell runspaces (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/microsoft.powershell.utility/wait-debugger?view=powershell-5.1)

I've tested it with a PowerShell runspace used in an Adaxes Custom Command, and it seemed to work without any problems, but PowerShell runspaces can be used in multiple areas of the Adaxes software (Eg: Reports, Scheduled Tasks, Business Rules, Custom Commands).

Is the PowerShell debugger safe to use everywhere PowerShell is available without causing time-outs, race conditions etc.?

by (210 points)

1 Answer

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by (294k points)


As per our tests, the Wait-Debugger cmdlet works just fine in Adaxes scripts. However, it just stops the script at a certain point. As such, we recommend to just use the return command instead.


Yes, that is by design. To return control back to the script you need to hook up the debugger and instruct it to release control, then, flow will continue as normal.

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