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I read the article on using a business rule to automatically set certain field values such as address based on the value of the Office field.

Is there any way to do this in real-time in the Web Portal? For example, if the user sets the office to a specific value it automatically populates the values of the address, Zip, etc with the correct values for that office?

The downside of the business rule method is that you either have to remove the fields from the web forms so people don't manually put values in or you need to set a default value telling them not to set the field because it will be set by a rule. This works fine in most cases but we have a case where the Office value could be "Remote" for a remote user in which case the telephone number or address might need to be set. That is a little difficult to convey with information in the fields themselves.

It would be much easier if the values of those fields auto-filled with the the correct values based on the Office field so the user has immediate feedback and can change it if necessary.

by (110 points)

1 Answer

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by (110 points)
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Best answer

I take it the answer to this is a "No, it can't be done?"


You can do that on the back-end like in the Adaxes Administrative Console and just show the field after user creation process completes. Just add the additional changes for remote on execution page.

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