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We have a potentially complicated sitaution and so far I have no found a solution. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

We have specific security groups that currently live in the users OU for Department A, and these groups have members from Department A.

Adaxes users from Department B need to add/remove Department A members from these specific security groups.

Is there a way to give Department B Adaxes users the permissions to add/remove Department A staff to/from the security groups without also giving them access to the user accounts for Department A? We need to make sure that Department B Adaxes users cannot open the user accounts from Department A or see any user details other than the memberships for these specific security groups.

by (20 points)

1 Answer

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by (292k points)


Unfortunately, there is no such possibility. To be able to add an account to a group, a user need to have the permissions to see the group, see the member account and modify the Member property of the group. Lacking any of the permissions will disallow the user to add the member to the group.

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