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Occationally Service Desk staff need to clear a DNS record when a desktop has been reimaged but is keeping the same name as loses the ability to manage its original DNS record. I'd like to use the paowershell command RemoveDnsResourceRecord and have the staff manually enter the machine name to remove. I setup the parameter "DNSRecord2Remove" but the custom command builder appears to force me to select an "Object Type" Is there a way to get around this? Also, the Powershell applet RemoveDnsResourceRecord is not recognized when running in ADAXES. Can I just install the applet on the ADAXES server using powershell?

by (110 points)

1 Answer

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by (299k points)

Hello Steve,

I setup the parameter "DNSRecord2Remove" but the custom command builder appears to force me to select an "Object Type" Is there a way to get around this?

If you want users to manually enter the required data, use a parameter of the Edit box type. For details about using parameters, have a look at step 5 of the following tutorial: https://www.adaxes.com/help/CreateCustomCommand. As for the type of object for the custom command itself, there is no way not to specify it as commands are executed against specific objects only. As a solution, you can create a custom command for the User object type and then create a Web interface action for it. The action should be always executed for the currently logged on user.

Also, the Powershell applet RemoveDnsResourceRecord is not recognized when running in ADAXES. Can I just install the applet on the ADAXES server using powershell?

Yes, you just need to install the corresponding PowerShell module on the computer where Adaxes service runs. If you have multiple instances of Adaxes service sharing common configuration, the module should be installed on all the corresponding computers.

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