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I often need to step through a script in the ISE debugger to troubleshoot or verify its operation. My problem is that I haven't been able to find a way to do this with a script that's using the $Context variable as it's only available when the script is run via Adaxes in which case the script is hidden. Is there a way to interactively run a script uses the $Context variable so you can step through/debug it?

by (100 points)

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by (294k points)
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$Context variable can be used only in PowerShell scripts executed by Business Rules, Custom Commands, and Scheduled Tasks. Currently, there is no possibility to use PowerShell debuggers.

To check values of variables, you can use the following code in your scripts:

$Context.LogMessage($myvar, "Information")

After script execution the value of $myvar variable will be displayed in the Execution Log.

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