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We are trying to standardize the UPN attribute value to be equal to the mail attribute when it is present. I am looking for an easy way to identify and remediate accounts where the values do not match. Here are some things that come to mind regarding requirements.

- Ignore accounts where the mail attribute is empty or contains an external email address
- A way to manually search AD for accounts with a mismatch
( I can do this for a single account by searching for a specific value, but I cannot do an LDAP search based on a variable like %mail% as far as I can tell)
- Scheduled report email showing accounts that do not match (I believe I can base this on an existing report I have built)
- A method for manually excluding accounts that have an internal email address in the mail attribute but should be ignored (optional)

by (290 points)

1 Answer

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by (216k points)
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Best answer


The best way to achieve what you want is to use PowerShell script. For example, you can use a script that sends you an HTML-formatted report containing all users who have a UPN/email mismatch. Each user in the report will be represented as a link to Adaxes Web interface, so you can click it and quickly modify what's necessary. You can schedule the script using Adaxes Scheduled Tasks to receive the reports on a regular basis.

Alternatively, you can create a Scheduled Task that will modify the users automatically instead of sending you a report. The task will set either the user's email address based on the UPN value or vice versa.

Which of the above options suits your needs better so we can show you an example?

Also, for new user accounts, we recommend creating a Business Rule triggered after creating a user that will set the email based on the UPN value. If you want, we can also show you an example of this.


At least initially I only intend to report the information. I may automate the change later, but we want to identify the scope of the change first.



For this purpose, you can use the following script available in our Script Repository: http://www.adaxes.com/script-repository ... s-s404.htm.

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