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Hi, we have replaced our local Exchange server with installation of Exchange Management Tools (EMT) installed directly on Adaxes server.

And my question is:

How can I force Adaxes to use these local EMT instead trying to connect to (now turned off) Exchange server?

Because we use native adaxes feature for enabling external senders on distribution groups shown in web interface, but now it throws error image.png Because it is still trying to connect to our Exchange server instead of using local EMT.

PS: this is how 'Set External Senders' option looks in Adaxes config image.png

Thanks in advance

by (1.0k points)

1 Answer

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by (15.5k points)


Sorry for the confusion, but to perform Exchange tasks via Exchange Management Tools (EMT), you need to use PowerShell scripts in Adaxes. Unfortunately, there is no possibility to force Adaxes to use EMT instead of an on-premises Exchange server for built-in operations and actions.


And are you planning to support this scenario? Because it is expected that more and more companies will get rid of their onpremises Exchange servers because of security etc.

Is it possible to force Adaxes to retrieve account Exchange attributes (like email etc) from Exchange Online (O365) instead of local Exchange?

Because right now when I want to check such information in adaxes web interface I see error like this image.png

Because Adaxes tries to get such data from (now shut down) local exchange server.


And are you planning to support this scenario? Because it is expected that more and more companies will get rid of their onpremises Exchange servers because of security etc.

Thank you for the suggestion, we have forwarded it to the corresponding department for consideration.

It is possible to force Adaxes to retrieve account Exchange attributes (like email etc) from Exchange Online (O365?) instead of local Exchange.

To manage Exchange Online mailboxes in Adaxes, you need to register your Microsoft 365 tenant. For details, have a look at the corresponding section of the following tutorial: https://www.adaxes.com/help/ManageAndAutomateOffice365/#tenant. Additionally, you can configure Adaxes to ignore on-premises Exchange in the forest: https://www.adaxes.com/help/AllowedExchangeForestsServers/#specify-forests-where-exchange-is-not-managed. However, if the mailbox is a remote one, you will need to perform the required operations using PowerShell scripts connecting to Exchange Management Tools instead of using Adaxes built-in actions.

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