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If I have created an custom command i would like to find where this CC is used (linked) in Adaxes (used in Scheduked Task and so on).

How can a general find references (links) of Custom Commands in Adaxes ? Is there maybe a report where I can find all the Linked Objects that I have created by myself in Adaxes ?

by (40 points)


How can a general find references (links) of Custom Commands in Adaxes ?

Unfortunately, there is no such possibility in the UI.

Is there maybe a report where I can find all the Linked Objects that I have created by myself in Adaxes ?

It is possible to find business rules, scheduled tasks and custom commands executing a specific custom command using a script. If the approach meets you needs, please, specify how exactly you would like to have the output done. For example, it can be a file or an Adaxes report.


The Output of the Script in a File would be sufficient.

For me as the person responsible for Adaxes, it is only important to have an overview of which of my self-created objects in Adaxes (business rules, scheduled tasks and custom commands, etc.) are used (linked) where. This would help me to document my whole Adaxes solution well.

It's also helpfull if more than one Adaxes Admin are working on the same system :-)

For sure it would be also nice to have it as an General Report available :-)

Thank You.



Thank you for clarifying. What exactly do you prefer identifying objects in the file? For example, it can be the object name and path to their location.


Object name and path would be great ( as we already have a good naming convention in place).

1 Answer

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by (295k points)


Thank you for the confirmation. Have a look at the following script from our repository: https://www.adaxes.com/script-repository/all-business-rules-custom-commands-and-scheduled-tasks-executing-a-specific-custom-command-s688.htm.


Would it be possible to have a script that goes through all adaxes types (business rules, scheduled tasks and custom commands, etc.) and reflects all types of linked objects. This would be perfect as an basis for Documentations



That is exactly what the script does.


You are absolutely right. What I meant is if you don't specify a CC for the search, then it should output all available CC with all links. This for general Documentation pupose :-)


I am really very positively surprised. It seems that Adaxes really has a script ready for everything. Really great !

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