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our user objects are synced from HR system into AD and generated by a middleware - would a business rule "After creating a user" be triggered in this way or not? Looks like not ...

So I created a scheduled task, but there is no option to run certain tasks if the previous one was successfull ... any reason for this? I need to control those tasks and would like to exit in case of issues

related to an answer for: Business Rule Not Executing
by (1.6k points)

1 Answer

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by (295k points)


would a business rule "After creating a user" be triggered in this way or not

Business rules will not trigger in this case. They only get triggered upon operations performed via Adaxes.

So I created a scheduled task, but there is no option to run certain tasks if the previous one was successfull ... any reason for this?

Scheduled tasks are separate configuration objects not related to other ones or specific operations. As such, there is no possibility to link execution of the tasks based on success. As an option, you can try using a single scheduled task adjusting the blocks of actions/conditions accordingly.


Just got an idea

Scheduled task to run on new created objects and let them update description

Then business rule would trigger and do the rest + execute only if previoius action was successful

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