0 votes

I would like to replace some characters "before user creation". With character like umlaute "ä", "ö", "ü". The script works. But characters like "é", "ô" doesn't seem to be replaced.

Im using this script:

$props = @("sAMAccountName", "userPrincipalName", "mail")
$map =@{ " " ="";"Á"="A";"Ă"="A";"Â"="A";"Å"="A";"Ä"="Ae";"Ǟ"="Ae";"Ã"="A";"Ą"="A";"Ā"="A";"Ć"="C";"Ĉ"="C";"Ċ"="C";"Ç"="C";"Ď"="D";"Ḑ"="D";"Đ"="D";"Ð"="D";"É"="E";"Ê"="E";"Ě"="E";"Ë"="E";"Ė"="E";"Ę"="E";"Ē"="E";"Ğ"="G";"Ĝ"="G";"Ġ"="G";"Ģ"="G";"Ĥ"="H";"ħ"="h";"İ"="I";"ı"="i";"Í"="I";"Ì"="I";"Î"="I";"Ï"="I";"Ĩ"="I";"Ī"="I";"Ĵ"="J";"Ķ"="K";"Ĺ"="L";"Ļ"="L";"Ł"="L";"Ŀ"="L";"Ń"="N";"Ň"="N";"Ñ"="N";"Ņ"="N";"Ŋ"="N";"Ó"="O";"Ò"="O";"Ô"="O";"ö"="oe";"Ȫ"="Oe";"Ő"="Oe";"Õ"="O";"Ȯ"="O";"Ø"="O";"Ř"="R";"Ŕ"="R";"Ŗ"="R";"Ś"="S";"Ŝ"="S";"Š"="S";"Ş"="S";"Ṣ"="S";"Ș"="S";"ß"="ß";"Ť"="T";"Ţ"="T";"Ț"="T";"Ŧ"="T";"Ú"="U";"Ù"="U";"Ŭ"="U";"Û"="U";"Ů"="U";"Ü"="Ue";"Ű"="Ue";"Ŵ"="W";"Ý"="Y";"Ŷ"="Y";"Ÿ"="Y";"Ȳ"="Y";"Ź"="Z";"Ž"="Z";"Ż"="Z";}

foreach ($prop in $props)
    if ($Context.IsPropertyModified($prop))
        $value = $Context.GetModifiedPropertyValue($prop)

        foreach ($key in $map.Keys)
            $value = $value.Replace($key, $map[$key])

        $Context.SetModifiedPropertyValue($prop, $value)
        $Context.LogMessage($prop + ": " + $value, "Information")

If i add lower and upper case i get an error message: "Duplicate keys are not allow in hash literals"

I know some characters are automatically interpreted as normal characters from AD, but with the mail address and upn we have some issues with it in the Azure World. Do you have a solution for this?

by (50 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (299k points)


The behavior is expected. First of all, the replace method is case-sensitive. As a result, if lowercase characters are present in a property value, but not present in the mapping, they will not be replaced. At the same time, it is not possible to specify a mapping in a single hash table for both lowercase and uppercase characters as the tables do not allow such a thing. Both points come from PowerShell itself and are not related to Adaxes. To achieve the desired, you need to have two mappings. One for uppercase characters and one for lowercase characters. Finally, you should have something like the following:

$props = @("sAMAccountName", "userPrincipalName", "mail")
$mapUppercase =@{" " ="";"Á"="A";"Ă"="A";"Â"="A";"Å"="A";"Ä"="Ae";"Ǟ"="Ae";"Ã"="A";"Ą"="A";"Ā"="A";"Ć"="C";"Ĉ"="C";"Ċ"="C";"Ç"="C";"Ď"="D";"Ḑ"="D";"Đ"="D";"Ð"="D";"É"="E";"Ê"="E";"Ě"="E";"Ë"="E";"Ė"="E";"Ę"="E";"Ē"="E";"Ğ"="G";"Ĝ"="G";"Ġ"="G";"Ģ"="G";"Ĥ"="H";"ħ"="h";"İ"="I";"ı"="i";"Í"="I";"Ì"="I";"Î"="I";"Ï"="I";"Ĩ"="I";"Ī"="I";"Ĵ"="J";"Ķ"="K";"Ĺ"="L";"Ļ"="L";"Ł"="L";"Ŀ"="L";"Ń"="N";"Ň"="N";"Ñ"="N";"Ņ"="N";"Ŋ"="N";"Ó"="O";"Ò"="O";"Ô"="O";"ö"="oe";"Ȫ"="Oe";"Ő"="Oe";"Õ"="O";"Ȯ"="O";"Ø"="O";"Ř"="R";"Ŕ"="R";"Ŗ"="R";"Ś"="S";"Ŝ"="S";"Š"="S";"Ş"="S";"Ṣ"="S";"Ș"="S";"ß"="ß";"Ť"="T";"Ţ"="T";"Ț"="T";"Ŧ"="T";"Ú"="U";"Ù"="U";"Ŭ"="U";"Û"="U";"Ů"="U";"Ü"="Ue";"Ű"="Ue";"Ŵ"="W";"Ý"="Y";"Ŷ"="Y";"Ÿ"="Y";"Ȳ"="Y";"Ź"="Z";"Ž"="Z";"Ż"="Z";}
$mapLowercase =@{"ä"="a";"ö"="o";"ü"="u";"é"="e";"ô"="o"} # TODO: modify me

foreach ($prop in $props)
    if ($Context.IsPropertyModified($prop))
        $value = $Context.GetModifiedPropertyValue($prop)

        foreach ($key in $mapUppercase.Keys)
            $value = $value.Replace($key, $mapUppercase[$key])

        foreach ($key in $mapLowercase.Keys)
            $value = $value.Replace($key, $mapLowercase[$key])

        $Context.SetModifiedPropertyValue($prop, $value)
        $Context.LogMessage($prop + ": " + $value, "Information")

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