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Hello, till now we are using "Connect-ExchangeOnline -Credential $svcmsolsync -Prefix O365 #Session aufbauen" in your taks. After updating to adaxes 2023.2 there is a restriction for this code: The cmdlet Connect-ExchangeOnline is not allowed. Use $Context.CloudServices.ConnectExchangeOnline() instead. How can we use this ConnectExchangeOnline() with a prefix (like O365)? Second question, is there a way to turn off this restriction? Kind regards Jo Schmitz

by (20 points)

1 Answer

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by (294k points)

Hello Jo,

How can we use this ConnectExchangeOnline() with a prefix (like O365)?

Unfortunately, there is no such possibility. However, it is not required. The new method brings the persisting connection established by Adaxes into your script.

Second question, is there a way to turn off this restriction?

It is not possible to deactivate the rule. The behaviour is by design and cannot be changed. There was a dedicated section in the corresponding What’s New article about the correct approach for Exchange Online connection. You can check the following example: https://www.adaxes.com/script-repository/connect-to-exchange-with-powershell-s506.htm.


Thank you very much for the answer. But I have to say that I don't understand the sense of blocking an official Powershell module from Microsoft and then not implementing all functions (prefix). We use prefixes for several connections (Teams, Azure, ...). Also that this was only done for Exchange Online and not the other modules. We had to adapt our scripts now from: Connect-ExchangeOnline -Credential $cred Connect-MicrosoftTeams -Credential $cred Connect-AzureAD -Credential $cred To: $Context.CloudServices.ConnectExchangeOnline() Connect-MicrosoftTeams -Credential $cred Connect-AzureAD -Credential $cred I don't have to explain what this looks like. But since it has unfortunately happened now, I would suggest rethinking this in the next adjustments.


Hello Jo,

Thank you for the suggestion. We forwarded it to the corresponding department for consideration.

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