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My iis webserver clusters are all running Windows Server Core 2016. Trying to install the MSI throws an error saying IE6 required.

Is IE6 necessary in any way? I thought it is a client side requirement or just for the installer GUI?

If not necessary, is there a way to bypass this so that I can install Adaxes into server core? Thanks in advance.

by (50 points)

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by (216k points)
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Internet Explorer is required not only for the installer GUI, but also for the Web interface Customization Tool, a visual application that allows you to configure the Web Interface, and also backup and restore Web Interface configuration. Moreover, all components of Adaxes rely on the WIndows ADSI component, multiple .NET classes and the Kerberos protocol. As far as we know, not all of that is fully available in Server Core.

Currently, we do not support installing any component of Adaxes on a Server Core.

adaxes support for server core

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