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I am setting up the self password reset service. I have the security questions working fine but am having trouble with the SMS part. I'm getting an error "Mailbox unavailable. The server response was 5.7.1 Unable to relay.

I signed up for a trial of Red Oxygen to set this up and the settings look correct because I used the same settings to send a test sms to my cell from my email and it went through fine.

Any idea? Attached a picture of my settings.


by (50 points)

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by (299k points)
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Hello Justin,

The error message that you get is returned by your SMTP server and means that it cannot relay the e-mail message to the specified recipient. Make sure that you specified correct credentials on the Service Mail Settings page and that your SMTP server allows relaying messages to the domain where your SMS gateway provider is located. Also, we recommend checking the logs of your SMTP server.


I checked the mail settings tab in Adaxes and clicked test settings, and the test email was sent to me just fine.


Hello Justin,

Did you check if your SMTP server allows relaying messages to the domain where your SMS gateway provider is located?

What about the logs of your SMTP server? Did you find any error messages/warnings there?


Ok so I had the relay settings wrong. I got that fixed and the sms test now says it was successfully sent, although when I try and reset my password using the self reset, I never get the code sent to me. Am I missing something?


Hello Justin,

On step 2 of self password reset, did you see a message like the following:

If you did, check whether your test SMS messages actually reach the recipient.

If you did not, check whether SMS Verification Code is enabled in the configuration of the Password Self-Service Policy to which the user is enrolled. For information on how to check this, see the following help article: http://www.adaxes.com/help/?HowDoI.Mana ... olicy.html.

If you see any error messages/warnings, post here or send us a screenshot.

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