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What permissions does a Trustee (Specifically a Manager or Owner) need over a Managed Object to make it visible in their My managed objects?

The Trustee can view their own Managed Objects on their own user and if I give full Read permission over the relevant managed object it becomes visible, but I'm trying to limit the number of permissions to assign to the Trustee over the Managed Object.

Presumably I'm missing read permissions of specific attributes, which are the minimum I need to allow?

by (210 points)

1 Answer

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by (296k points)


Yes, that is correct. For a user to be able to see an object, the Read permission is required and is the only such.


But won't that give the Trustee read access to all their attributes? I don't want that, I only want to give read access to the minimum specific attributes.



Yes, it will and there is no other way. If there are certain attributes you want user to not be able to see, you need to add corresponding deny permissions.

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