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Good morning,

I'm not sure how to go about this, but I want a modified version of the default Approved requests report but I want the option to select a user and then see all the requests that modified that user or the custom commands that were run on that user.

Example: We have a web interface that allows someone to create a user (and sends another user an approval to allow them to create the user) and then it fires a bunch of business rules that run custom commands (which each require approval as well and act as "tickets" for us to log) on that user. We also have the same process for when a user gets terminated and we have to disable the account, it sends that as an approval and then a bunch of other custom commands that serve as tickets that each require approvals.

I want to be able to track this for a specific user, as the Approved requests report shows us every single actions for all users, I want to be able to select a user at the top of the report and then have it only showing the custom commands and changes that were run on that user.

by (60 points)

1 Answer

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by (299k points)


It looks like you need not the approval requests, but the log of actions performed on a user. If that is correct, we recommend you to use the Management history built-in report. By default, the report is located in container Reports\All Reports\Miscellaneous\Logging.



Yeah, this seems perfect but I also want to be able to select just one user instead of having them all listed.



It is possible out of the box. just select Specific objects as scope type: image.png


Is there a way I could filter some of the stuff shown in this report?

I would like it to only show the custom commands that were run on the user.



You can enable the Filter bar and then type Execute in the Name column. This way only records for custom commands will be displayed.




Is there anyway that I could have this report work with objects that used to be in AD? We need this to be able to search for the name of an employee that used to have an AD account so we could pull a report of the actions applied onto their accounts while they were here.



If you mean users that no longer exist, unfortunately, there is no such possibility. As a solution, you can view the Adaxes log report or the general log itself and filter by the name you need.

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