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I'm looking at this onliner Set-AdmUser -Identity $DN -Replace @{AADPHoto = $photoBytes} -AdaxesService localhost -Server. I get an illegal operation error. Wondering what I am getting wrong maybe the attribute?


Trying to set up automation to set the photo in AD and Azure at the same time to avoid waiting for synchronization.

by (1.0k points)

1 Answer

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by (295k points)


Have a look at the folowing script from our repository: https://www.adaxes.com/script-repository/upload-user-photo-to-office-365-s327.htm. However, there is currently no stable approach exiting. The Set-MgUserPhotoContent cmdlet can give errors without any actual reason.


I'm trying to avoid automation that requires running a script on 7,000 users each day when there is only 5 or 6 new pictures each day. So the script is self contained and doesn't run in a user's context. How do I target the user's azure identity or bind to it so this script you suggested will run correctly. We can user the version at the top of the article you sent where we use the AD thumbnail picture as the rest of my script will set that first.



Sorry for the confusion, but we are not sure what exactly you mean. The scripts run for the target user and update both the on-premises and the Microsoft 365 photo. As a solution, you can create a custom command configured for the User object type and manually execute it for the users you need.


I don't understand why I would create a custom command and then script the execution of that command when we could simply bind to the target object. I'll figure this out and show you I guess.

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