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Howdy - Has anyone run into this message before?


The changes never make their way through, I just have to manually do them. WIll I just need to create custom powershell scripts to achieve these items?

by (20 points)

1 Answer

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by (294k points)


The behavior is expected. First of all, the warning about resolving value references means that the template you specified in the action configuration resulted into an empty value upon execution. As you are to grant mailbox permissions, the template must resolve into a valid distinguished name. the following tutorial should be helpful: https://www.adaxes.com/help/AutomateExchangeMailboxConfiguration.

As for the The mailbox is not ready message and the changes not applying, it happens because the changes are made before the mailbox conversion to shared. To achieve the desired, you need to order the actions so that first the mailbox is converted and only then its settings are updated.


Hey there - thank you so much for your swift response, I went ahead and restructured the way that things are set up in our termination automation but it still seems that I'm getting that error:




That is not an error. It is just an information message stating that Adaxes will automatically wait for the mailbox to get created and then perform all the corresponding actions.

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